We all know content is king when it comes to building traffic to your blog. Great content can be the gateway to invaluable backlinks, social media referrals, building relationships with other bloggers and even brands.
And whilst great content – and lots of it – is the cornerstone of any serious blogger’s long term strategy, there is something of a shortcut to gaining more traffic. In fact it’s something that you can start at right away, and see the effects relatively quickly.
How quickly?
In my case, and going by my numbers, I started to see results in 2 weeks.
What did I do?
To really see if my approach would work I had to make some preparation. Fortunately, I had a 2 week holiday where I would not be distracted by any other blogging related tasks. All I had to do was write.
Luckily in our modern age, I did not have to ship a typewriter abroad, and I could do all my scribing from my phone using Google Docs.
The approach
I wanted to build a library of articles ready to post regularly on my blog. At first, I had considered writing enough material to post a blog every day. But after some consideration, I realised that this was no way going to be sustainable.
So after a few days writing, I thought perhaps that I could aim for posting 3 blogs per week.
In order to write this amount of articles, I had to throw the rule book out the window. Plus being on holiday, access to my usual SEO suite of software was limited. I was working purely from my phone. So there would be no keyword research, no help from Yoast, no keyword density analysis and no on-page optimisation. I was just shooting purely from the hip as it were.
How much did I write?
After 2 weeks in the sun, I had written 12 reasonably solid articles. Definitely enough to kick off a sustained campaign of regular posting.
Remember I still hadn’t posted them to my blog at this point, I was just writing all the time using Google Docs.
My Method
Once back in the UK, my plan was to start posting 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I would try to keep it up as long as possible.
With access once again to photo editing software and the desktop WordPress app, I could start publishing my articles properly. Again, I did not do any keyword optimisation or Yoast refinements on the articels. I published them more or less as they had been written, just with some cleanups or minor edits.
The object of this exercise was to see if regular posting could boost my overall web hits.
So what happened?
Starting on 20th July with this post – I published 3 posts per week every week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
And I have continued for over a month now. I think that having that initial bank of 12 articles to get started on was a real help. In some ways. It has made it easier to write more because there’s less pressure to do so, knowing there are some still in the bank.
And what were the results
As I had seen earlier in the year when I had tried something similar, there was a definite upward spike 2 weeks after the campaign of posting regularly started.

On Tuesday 4th August, my organic traffic was up by 66% on the previous Tuesday’s traffic.
The odd thing is though, that the new posts that I have written are hardly getting any hits. It appears that Google is giving more authority to the site as a whole.
I also made sure that as soon as I posted my article, on each day, that I submitted it to Google’s Search Console right away so that it was indexed as soon as possible.
Do you post to your blog regularly? Or have you seen similar results to these? I’d love to know what your experience has been. Please leave a comment below if you would like to share.
Hey Jim,
Thanks for sharing your personal experience. You are right there is no rulebook for writing a blog for your website. If you are well aware of what you are going to present to your readers, you can do it any way you like. It will rank well on Google and give a boost to your site. Google loves 100 percent orignal, relevant and unique content.
Thanks cos. Yes I totally agree.