£30,000 a Year is How Much an Hour?

A salary of £30,000 is equal to an hourly rate of £16.42

(Based on 261 working days per year and a 7-hour working day.)

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Based on 261 Working Days Per Year

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Workers who earn £30,000 Per Year

Results from You Gov in 2019 shows that only a minority of Britons expect to earn more than £30,000 a year or more. 45% of those surveyed said they doubt they will ever earn over £30,000 a year – just a touch higher than the average salary in the UK.

Bringing home a salary of around £30k will net you a monthly income (after tax and NI) of roughly £2,003 – this equates to an average hourly rate of £14, based on working 40 hours a week.

Jobs with a salary of £30,000 – £34,000 per year,

  • Nestle Logistics POD and Operational Investigation Manager, in York £32k
  • Ward Sister and Nurses can earn around £32,000 per year for the NHS with considerable experience.
  • Lettings Manager for an Estate Agency – with potential to earn commission.
  • Mortgage Advisor and Firefighters can both bring home a salary of around £30,000 and you won’t necessarily need a degree to enter these professions.
  • Other jobs include a Software Developer in Bristol, an Electrician job in Kent and media jobs in South East London.

At the higher end of the pay scale in this bracket, within Health care are midwives £35,348 and paramedics £36,697. Teachers, Construction and accountancy jobs also sit within the higher pay range of around £38k depending on location and the company you’re working for.

Search for jobs and know what your salary should be using online tools such as Payscale.com.

If you are looking to ask your employer for a pay rise, it’s useful to check out some negotiation tools and have some comparison facts with you. We like monster.co.uk for advice on this.

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